“A little progress each day adds up to big results”

The Welch Practice is an innovative speech language therapy service that prides itself in supporting individuals with communication and feeding needs. With each session, the individual will learn more about their communication style and be on the path to becoming their own best advocate. The Welch Practice offers several services including individual and group therapy sessions, full diagnostic evaluations, screenings, parent training, and consultation with schools and other therapists. Our team combines experience, creativity, research, and passion for supporting communication, in order to create sessions that are both individualized and meaningful for every client, no matter what stage of life they are in.


The Welch Practice has received specific trainings in a variety of areas including (but not limited to):

  • Treating executive function, particularly in the area of memory

  • Apraxia of speech through Prompt touch cues for motor planning

  • Supporting non-speaking individuals though augmentative and alternative communication (communicating using letter boards via Spelling to Communicate- S2C)

  • Supporting the non-purposeful nervous system through the NMRI (course 1)

  • Supporting feeding challenges through goal setting and parent coaching